The first half of today was so pretty and full of promise. So much so, that I opted to wear all shades of black. (huh?) I felt like Pooh hovering over the honey tree. Just a little black rain cloud. I was perfectly cozy in my black leather boots and polka dot tights.

Vintage black leather riding boots, target tights, vintage black linin skirt(altered), Forever 21 t shirt, Tagrget cardi, Bracelet all my design, earrings by Mora Steel And all dark colors was the perfect showcase of one of my favorite Christmas gifts. My friend Mora (another jewelry artist, and co-worker) made me the most stunning earrings. The garnets and the moldavite look so pretty together.

It was incredibly sweet of her if nothing else because of all the wrapping involved. I have made a pair before. It's a bitch.

I also piled on the bracelets in my current favorite combination.

The pink and black one is a bracelet from my "Candy" line, and availible for you to own and love
right here. 
So One of my New Years goals is to Post more on here. I'm aiming for one a week. I have two more in the works so this shouldn't be too difficult. I figure this is the year to stop half assing things so keep on me guys!
I have a crazy weekend of Nerdy shenanigans ahead of me. My hetero life mate Brittany and myself will be hitting up what we have deemed Fail Con 'oh10.
This lovely convention (actually called Itchiban Con) is being held in the Concord NC Great Wolf Lodge. I can't wait to watch the Furries piss themselves. In anycase we re going for the lulz. So early next week check in to see how it all went. I'm most excited to see Michael Sinterniklass again.

I'm going to be not stalking him all weekend.
You look FABULOUS, and so do Maura's Earrings! I have a pair of wire-worked earrings she made me years ago that I still wear, and love. You keep posting, and I'll keep commenting, how's that?