Wednesday, June 10, 2009

shoes. (OMG)

Like every fashion blogger hasn't already used this joke title. I know my idol the Glamorai has.
Whatever moving on. So I found this lovely ETSY page tonight and decided I needed to post JUST to show this off. CHECK IT OUT! The James Rowland Shop. The best collection of vintage boots (and some shoes) I've seen in some time. Each unique of one another yet they all seem to belong.
Eh. I am having serious boot envy. Way too big for my feet, but how about yours? I mean now that you've seen them can you really live another day without Ochre heeled booties?

Need a bit less color more drama? These positively scream Selina Kyle to me. Catwoman is the most glam of all villians ever.
Yet so bad ass. Check out how the gloves look like the Boots above!

These are so sweet. I almost think my sister maybe would wear them but I wouldn't take the risk.

These are the closest to my size. I love them. I don't need them at all. But I love them.
They also have a BLOG I just want to hang out with them and talk about boots. Forever.
Go. Buy. NOW.


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